Best Acne Treatment in Bangkok, Thailand
Best Acne Treatment in Bangkok, Thailand
Acne Treatments in Bangkok can be categorized in 4 groups [Ref.].
1. Using medicine which is available mostly in hospitals and general clinics.
2. Using laser which is available in most modern beauty clinics.
3. Using facial and creams (holistic acne treatment) which is available in some special beauty clinics.
4. Using acupuncture which is available in traditional Chinese clinics.
The Best Acne Treatment Bangkok
The best treatment for acne is the 3rd approach (holistic acne treatment). This approach combines facial, cream and acne extraction. The acne facial helps improve your skin structure. Therefore, it helps prevent new acne. The creams work on current acne. Acne extraction helps get rid of comedonal acne (blackheads and whiteheads). Holistic treatment is specific for each clinic. One well known for this approach is Puttharaksa Aesthetic. [Ref.]
The Best Blackheads Removal In Bangkok
The best way to work on blackheads on your nose is to reduce injury due to extraction. There are a number of options available in Bangkok.
If you go to beauty clinic, they will have a treatment on your nose which melt blackheads. Then, they will use pore pack to pull out the blackheads.
If you go to spas, they will extract blackheads on your nose by hand. It is quite painful. It can clean your nose but it will cause some scars later.
If you go to hospital, they will give you a cream to work on nose blackheads at home.
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